"Jodi is an excellent coach. She has a very warm quality to her approach. She has a unique way of connecting so that it’s easier to speak with her about your most dreadful issues and not feel like you will be judged or ridiculed. When I first began to work with Jodi, I was not in a good place. My daughter and I had a bad connection and my partner and I would butt heads on almost every parenting issue. I was lost and unsure on what to do to have peace and understanding in my home. It was like looking for a cellphone signal in a dark underground tunnel. As soon as I started to work with jodi, she showed me where I was coming up short and a point from which I can start to improve my connection to my daughter, and subsequently my partner. It was like a light at the end of that dark underground tunnel. I realized that a lot of the issues were stemmed from my own past and projected onto my family who were reacting to my triggers. Jodi taught me valuable point of views, techniques, and ideas through which I could see where I was, what I needed to do, and most importantly helped me understand my daughter and where she stood in all of this in regards to her development stage. My most memorable moment working with Jodi was when I realized that my past self had a hold on me and fueled my actions, which damaged my relationships, and that i must forgive myself and resolve my past issues to move forward. Jodi just has that “it” factor which gives her the ability to get you to dig deep, not be afraid, and find the part of your self that’s causing the issue(s) and bring it forward to examine and understand. All in all my time with Jodi was transformational and eye opening, and has turned me around 180 degrees. My relationship with my daughter has never been better, our connection is stronger, thus peace and love and understanding is now a standard in my household, including with my partner and my extended family.
I would highly recommend Jodi as a parenting coach, or as I say a life coach, because her coaching reaches beyond just parenting. Thank you Jodi, from the bottom of my heart and my entire family."
"Jodi!! Thank You!!! My partner really enjoyed your coaching. I have to say that my daughter and I have noticed a wonderful change. Your weekly guidance and connection was impactful. You have given us an amazing gift."